


By Appointment
Showing: 1 - 10 of 13 RESULTS
poetry Ritual

Desert Quiet

Desert hymns adjust the film of inexactness that often plague a city girl’s reasoning. Precious bellows of wind resonate through a canyon and her fine branches of Palo Verde and …

poetry Ritual

Any Morning

Relearning that breath can be a prayer. Not a single word so powerful or reverent. Sunlight illuminating that which is so often overlooked. The beauty of love and relativity. The …

poetry Ritual Wisdom Teachings

Seaside Love

*photo by Monica Woods Seaside Love  (One of) salty purification. Changing of a season returning to quiet joy. Gifted an embodied process. Awakening dormant energy, tides of truth. Perfect data in discovering …

Being Human poetry Ritual

Yes in Action

Experiencing tiny bursts of an aliveness saturated with your soul. Waking up to beauty. Lines of perfection on your temple lead to exquisite sensations through every limb. Drinking in the …