Lately, my days have been starting early. While I would prefer to note that I am welcoming the day with a quiet receptivity of what’s to come, that is not …
The desire to let go with love.
Sweet Cycles of Life
The cycles of life can be experienced in so many forms–Through a breath, the moon, a season, or simply by the Earth’s daily orbit around the sun. Some of these …
How Spirit Moves
When do you work through your pain with vigor, recognizing it as a stagnancy that needs to be pushed? And when do you soften completely to the malady that needs …
Witnessing the Dance of Shiva
Witnessing the Dance of Shiva Nataraja. Lord Shiva has been showing up in my life lately. His energy is felt all around and within me: perhaps telling me a great …
Okay, Mara, I see you, but damn, you wrestle tough!
I am a sensitive person. It may be karma, a blueprint laid from my stars and ancestors, or the experiences of the time and people and places. I am an …
Faith in Stillness
There is often power in the times when nothing seems to be happening at all. -Marianne Williamson When I read this one line last week in Everyday Grace, something began …
The Practice of Letting Go
In Buddhism, the Buddha teaches in the second of the four noble truths that our suffering is caused by our attachments. In the brilliant spirit teachings of The Yoga Sutras, …
Exceptional You
The teachings I receive often come from the great, and humble responsibility of being a mother; in my case, being a mother to a precious child, Ruka Sage, a brilliant …
Holy Transformation
Who isn’t enamored with the butterfly? Whether the adoration comes from the beauty, from the perceived freedom of physical wings, or the remembrance of what came before its majesty, …
Practice, Practice, Practice
Tapah Svadhyayesvara Pranidhanani Kriya Yoga II:I tapah= accepting the purifying aspects of painful experience; svadhyaya= self-study in the context of teachings; Isvara= Supreme Being; pranidhanani= surrendering, devotion, offering the fruits …