Underneath this cap is an unfolding.
A rhythmicity so inherent in aliveness,
a magnificent depth found within my own biology.
The existence that happens between
bird calls and intensity of machinery.
Channels of loveliness
woven within the webs of a spider
and the spider herself.
Species of flowering life and their seedlings
gifted to the onlookers who were unafraid to merge.
Falling in love
with an ever widening reaching out.
Vessel of absolute thanksgiving.
Majestic lid to a cosmic underworld
of sighs and hums
discovered through the stillness of movement.
Flavors of we,
with distinctions of singular exquisiteness.
Cells pulse, temperatures rise and fall
accompanied by a particular praise of Earth and her crown.
Gala of any and all resplendent bodies.
A constellation of beauty freely illuminated
for the pleasure of both the stars and their onlookers.
Effusive canopy
atop a piousness for the radiance of this life.
Living sutras of agape through the convenance of thank you.