


By Appointment

Percolating with an aliveness, my desire is to land.

An energy so raw, it aches in the seeking.

A friendship between two women that were once girls and have always been in love is magnificent.

And still, I want.

Fearing that even the decadence of tangled limbs and hearts will not quell these embers.

It is bigger.

Sometimes the canyon width seems like she will do for this brilliant understanding.

Scouting out a nest for all that I can no longer contain.

Perhaps the sky can become a cape to quench this ravenous electrical yearning.

Today, it is too great for even the heavens.

Hence, I must soften into the cradle of God.

The embrace may be the only possible refuge for such a tremendous leap.

Glowing with beads of exhilaration and begging until exhaustion as I scheme a match for my volcanic thirst to give everything.

Please please reunite this soul with her holy providence.

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