Chakra Vinyasa workshop at Mindful Yoga Studio of Tucson
Sunday, Sept 30, 9 AM–noon
Experience an integrative approach to the chakra system and the elemental and energetic principles that correspond within vinyasa and the flow of life, freeing the prana to travel through the whole body. This morning sadhana will support the grounding of your first chakra and rise through the core to the infinite consciousness of the crown. There will be an overview of chakra philosophy, and sequences that work to enliven the seven sacred centers by integrating asana, chanting, mediation and pranayama. Whether you are new to this system or are seasoned with the centers within the subtle energy body, this practice is a personal gateway to continued self-discovery. Each student will have the opportunity to center into deeper relationship with self, patterns of behavior in body, heart, mind and spirit.
Making Your Practice Personal/Spice Up Your Sequencing at Mindful Yoga Studio of Tucson
Saturday, Oct 13 1PM-4PM
In this group class we will begin the foundational work of creating a personal home practice and cultivating sequences to meet your physical and energetic needs. We will workshop how to begin structuring your yoga practice and create sequences to develop overall balance for your unique needs. The class will cover the benefits of self-practices, support how to perform them and what is important to keep in mind upon doing so. In the creation of your own practices you will have the opportunity to learn much about yourself and become more attuned to your seasons and cycles. The afternoon will be an exploratory journey, and an inspiration to fall more deeply in love in dedication to your SELF! This class is more suitable for those who have at least one year of supported practice with a teacher.
Taking Your Practice Deeper: Yoga Group Process for Women at Mindful Yoga Studio Tucson
Tuesdays October 23, 30, November 6, 13
6-8:30 pm
This 4-week series will involve facilitated practices of body/mind integration, with an emphasis on individual self-awareness regarding your tendencies of body/mind states. To know this inner wisdom we must quiet our mental chatter and free our energetic and physical body from its entanglements and obstructions. Come prepared to move for an hour of Yoga asana – yin and yang sequences, breath work and meditation, followed by 90 minutes of group processing as we become curious about what arises while on the yoga mat. Groups offer a unique environment to expand compassion and a deepened sense of universality, while offering the opportunity to deepen your relationship with yourself. This group is being offered as a tool for deepening your personal evolution. To create a supportive, non-judgmental environment, space is limited and group participants will be selected through an initial interview.
Costa Rica Retreat December 1-8th, 2012 at Pranamar Villas
Yoga Therapy: Transforming darkness into light, while extracting the wisdom, vitality and love!
In this free, live and special presentation, we will explore the inner yogas and the power of appropriate personal practices to help you
-increase energy, restore balance, and wake up to your highest potential
-radically fall in love with what you’ve got and own your amazing
-transform stress and fear and stagnation, into vitality, light and love
-feel beautiful from within
This offering by Michelle Marks, MA, LAC, will be held at Mindful Yoga Studio, 1101 N. Wilmot Road, Suite 123
Tuesday, January 8th at 6pm
January 2013: Yin Yoga Teacher Training at Mindful Yoga Studio Tucson
This 30-hour training is designed for anyone who wants to dive deeper into the quiet practice of Yin Yoga and for Yoga teachers who wish to understand and integrate Yin Yoga into their teaching.
Thursdays, Jan. 10, 17, 24, 5:30-8:30 p.m.
Sundays, Jan. 13, 20, 27, 9:00-12:00, 1-4 p.m.
The Good Squeeze
For those of us who NEVER knew how incredibly strong we really were. Nor how much we could possibly love………..
A talk for parents of children with exceptional needs on how to extract the wisdom, vitality, and love from the seemingly impossible places in our lives. In this free, live and special presentation:
learn how to accept, and grow from the often overwhelming responsibilities
discover stress reducing techniques that will positively affect your life, and support you in dealing with the burn-out that can happen for even the most loving parents
feel supported in creating and committing to practices that lead to greater self-care, personal empowerment, joy/ health-full living, and deeper intimacy with others
Michelle Marks, M.A., and a mama/care-taker of a child with extreme special needs, has been sharing what she loves since 2001, offering experiential practices of the body, mind, and spirit. With a commitment to personal and collective evolution, she dedicates herself to living yoga as a universal path to wake up to all aspects of ourselves, and to our highest potential.
This offering will be held on Tuesday, February 19th at 6:30pm at Children’s Clinics in the Square and Compass Building, 2600 North Wyatt Drive. Flo Manning Conference Center
Temple Love Yoga’s
Love Yourself Amazing, Mexico Family Style Retreat
April 5 – 7th, 2013
Puerto Penasco, Mexico
In this weekend retreat we will have the opportunity to reboot ourselves with sunshine, love, great food, and practices to bring us back to living with shakti!
Project 108: Yoga Stops Traffic
May 18th, 2013 6am East Side of Himmel Park
Bring Mat, Water, and Sponsors
Practice 108 Sun salutations for World Peace Benefit to help stop human trafficking, child exploitation, and sexual violence locally with and globally with |
I am raising funds specifically for Tucson’s “Camp Born This Way” which provides a safe and sacred experience for gender creative and transgender youth, ages 5 -12 and their families. Camp Born This Way is a four-day, three-night residential camp experience held in southern Arizona.This Camp was a dream for the mom of a gender creative “princess boy”, imagined over a year ago. The first camp took place last year and we are hoping to raise enough to hold camp again this Labor Day Weekend. This opportunity allows gender-creative, transgender and questioning youth, along with their families, an opportunity to experience a weekend free from bullying, harassment and judgment. Additionally, this camp seeks to strengthen the support networks available to these families beyond this one magical weekend.
A 2011 National School Climate Survey conducted by GLSEN of 7,856 middle and high school students, found that nearly 9 out of 10 LGBT students experienced harassment at school in the past year and nearly two-thirds felt unsafe because of their sexual orientation or gender expression. Camp Born This Way seeks to give parents the tools to support their children, while simultaneously giving the children an opportunity to spend time with others who are just like them, which helps them feel less alone in the world. The kids feels free to “be who they are”, dancing, wearing dressup, putting on fashion shows and also just having regular camp experiences like hiking, swimming, and nightly campfires.
Please donate with your energy, your Spirit and your funds however you can. Download a sponsor sheet here, or come on by the Shala for a yoga class and drop your donations off to me as I work to raise money for our local community.
More info can be found on Facebook at Project 108, or at
-Free Yoga Class/Lecture on Whole Being Nourishment at Whole Foods (River/Craycroft)
Saturday, May 18th 2013 3pm
-Summer Solstice Celebration at Mindful Yoga, Tucson
Friday June 21
Come to celebrate the light within as the cycle brings the Earth around the sun once again. We will welcome the summer season with a joyful evening of tending to the fires of our hearts leading to vitality and our inner shimmer. Our sacred transition will include a candle-lit yin and a vinyasa flow practice, chanting, meditation, and inquiry, all in the spirit of enlivening our creative, soulful spirits. Caring for our physical and energetic bodies with the recognition that it is essential to our mental/heart health is a brilliant way to shift into a new season feeling alive.
July 12th -14th, 2013 Puerto Penasco, Mexico
In this weekend retreat we will have the opportunity to reboot ourselves with sunshine, love, great food, and practices to bring us back to living with shakti!
August 17th, 5-8pm
Temple Love will celebrate one year at The Movement Shala! Come for a sweet liquid vinyasa flow class, with live music by Vicki Brown, followed by more music, and seasonal celebratory ayurvedic delectables! This will be a donation based event.
Yin-timacy. An opportunity to deepen your personal practice. Map-making for staying in the flow of your life.
Sunday, Sept. 22, 9am-3pm
Day of Mindfulness
True Joy: Mudita
Saturday, October 19th, 2013
at The Movement Shala
Desert Dance and Ritual- A Goddess Collective
A sweet opportunity to celebrate life and connect with yourself and a circle of women in this afternoon experience of movement and nourishment in the desert. Akasha Healing Arts and Temple Love Yoga are joining our passions to offer JourneyDance, time in the desert, wholesome snacks, and yin yoga and meditation. Our sacred collective will share in expansive space to move, sit, feel, desire, shed, speak, tend to fire, vision and enjoy! Joanna and Michelle are delighted to offer an intimate gathering near Saguaro National Monument East that will revitalize your mind, body, and Spirit personally and collectively.
More details/registration HERE!
Spirit of Renewal
Candlelit Lunar Flow
Saturday March 15th 4-7pm at Tucson Yoga
Yin Yoga and Meditation for Women
Sunday June 8th 4-6pm $18
Share in a two hour practice of going within surrounded by a community of women. This practice is designed to meet and support you exactly where you are in the practices of movement, meditation, self-acceptance, and appreciation for the phase of life you are flowing through. Yin yoga offers the practitioner the opportunity to soften into edges, physically, and on the more subtle plane. This class will give you a container to tend to your inner world, stimulating your connective tissue system and to receive all of the benefits that come with taking a moment for a conscious, sacred pause. Details/Registration
Summer Solstice Mexico Retreat
Puerto Penasco
June 19th-June 22nd, 2014
Yin Yoga and Meditation for Women
Sunday July 20th 4-6pm $18
As the summer months continue, it is the perfect time to slow down, gather with yourself and a collective of women to tonify our feminine essence!
Share in a two hour practice of going within surrounded by a community of women. This practice is designed to meet and support you exactly where you are in the practices of movement, meditation, self-acceptance, and appreciation for the phase of life you are flowing through. Yin yoga offers the practitioner the opportunity to soften into edges, physically, and on the more subtle plane. This class will give you a container to tend to your inner world, stimulating your connective tissue system and to receive all of the benefits that come with taking a moment for a conscious, sacred pause. Register here.
Women’s Autumn Retreat
This Retreat is FULL!
Saturday, September 27th, 2014
Gradual Unfolding – Practice and Process
Workshop: 2-4pm at Tucson Yoga
Movement, meditation, facilitated dialogue.
Free Talk: 4:30-5:30 at Tucson Yoga
Authentic Connection/Yoga of Relationship
Both the workshop and the talk are open to everyone! We are all in relationship with self, with life, with other. Come as you are, by yourself, with a friend, or with your beloved. You are welcome!
FUNdraiser! A Practice of Love.
*Proceeds to benefit Camp Born This Way 2015
Gender Creative and Transgender Youth Camp for Ages 5-12 and their families
Saturday, March 21st
9-10:30am A celebration for Freedom!
Tucson Yoga
I Ching School with Kim Young
Thursday, April 30th 5:30-8:30
at The Temple Love Yoga Sanctuary
New Moon Garland – A gathering for Women
An evening of ritual and offerings
Friday August 14th
Grand Canyon Rafting/Hiking and Yoga Retreat
August 2015
Taking Your Practice Deeper: Yoga Group Process for Women
4 Wednesdays 6:30-8:30pm
October 7th-October 28th
at The Temple Love Yoga Sanctuary
Bhakti Yoga Immersion
Saturday October 24th – Sunday October 25th
at Tucson Yoga
Exploring Bhakti Yoga
Tucson Yoga
Sunday, January 31st
9am – 5pm
REUNION – Women’s Autumnal Equinox – It is Possible – Retreat
w/ Chrysta Faye/Alchemy and Michelle Marks/Temple Love Yoga
9/22 – 9/25 2016
Aravaipa Canyon Lodge
Sanctuary Within
Spring Ceremony
Friday March 17th, 6:30-8:30pm
With the Vernal Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere there is a call to awaken what is FRESH and ALIVE. This is an offering to gather with the turn of a season that brings us towards birth and beauty. Collectively throughout the world this is a time of hope and brightness. In this spirit of celebration with community, Michelle and Vicki are teaming up once again to share their poetry through movement, meditation and music. Please join them for an opportunity to recognize the gifts of organic change and settle into a space of connection in a melodic space that provides you with the pause to set the intentions and renewal of a path to sacred humanness.
Michelle will lead a spring yoga sequence while Vicki fills the room and our hearts with the vibrations of her violin strings.
Free Your Booty
Explore the basic anatomy of the hips, pelvis, and booty. Move into sequences to create range of motion in the hips, help relieve low back pain, and allow for greater flexibility in the lower body.
Sunday, July 16th
Tucson Yoga