Relationship Salon
A 13 Moons Love School Offering
Fall 2018
Thursdays, September 20th, October 4th, 18th, November 1st
Join Michelle Marks and Rodyon Jones for an experiential opportunity of cultivating and remembering embodied relationship. This series is an opportunity to practice listening to the wisdom of body, heart, and mind in support of an intimacy with self and other.
This event is open to any and all folks in a committed relationship who desire to come together with a spirit of celebration for relationship as a path to awakening. Whether you are new on your path of togetherness, or wanting to enliven what already is, we welcome you. The moments we choose to come together can breed simple magic.
We will gather with supportive community for two hours every other week for a total of four sessions. Each session is an exploration of dynamic aliveness that IS relationship. Filled with learning tools, spirited conversation, communication skills and daily practices that will enrich your relationship.
This series builds upon itself and is nurtured through a playful, inspiring and safe environment.
Some of the topics we will explore:
-What is Conscious Commitment?
-Cultivating Friendship
-Working with and understanding our Nervous System
-Remembering Play
-Forms of Love
-Safety for Empowered Loving
The investment for this series is a sliding scale of $100-$200 per couple for the whole series.
Cash, check, or Paypal
Please contact Michelle for more details, address of event, and/or to register.
Address given upon registration.
Space is limited to 6 couples.