


By Appointment

I dreamt of my sweet girl again

She comes so often

This time before sunrise, 35 weeks after I told her goodbye


Last night she was settled in my arms 

In the dream I always question how

Because even in my sleep I know of her departure


I carried her yesterday as I walked a most beautiful labyrinth

Bare feet upon the earth I held her in the cradle of my heart

It ached as it does


The ache, it is my mother love

It changes, will change, within each step along a route

Distraction occurs, images capture me, memories rise


I dreamt of my sweet girl

She was in my arms

There was an of-courseness to my limbs supporting hers


Relating to this new shape of holding has me in a pause

My throat tightens if I attempt to make a category for this world unknown

An orbit in which I can still embrace my child and also must let go


It was just two days ago that I, myself was supported by arms

A rare gathering in which, grief as love were the arms, and the heart

Created space to honor and enliven someone, a once new mother, yet unseen


Oh the dream of possibility made real when grief as love were the arms

The arms and the heart for a mother who was just at the beginning

Now I shall carry her too


A complex formation of paths is sometimes intentional

Perhaps that is not always what is, (though)

I am quite certain sweet girl and I are traveling towards one another with every bit of aim

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