


By Appointment

Have you ever noticed yourself reacting to something and later wished you could have a do-over?

I can certainly raise my hand for that one. Often what’s happened is we’ve shifted into our survival patterns without even realizing it.  Our mammalian brain prioritizes physical safety.  What that means for us is that in order to tend to our emotional, connecting selves, we must first know we are safe.  What if you could learn how to recognize your survival patterns and then make the appropriate upgrades while working in a safe, relational container?  (Don’t worry, you’ll get to keep the survival patterns that you determine still serve your greatest good!)

You can. Join me to learn how.

During this six week virtual series, we will focus on the autonomic nervous system, and here’s why: the part of our brain where those outdated patterns live doesn’t actually speak in words. We’ll practice returning to our structure as a means of updating ourselves (literally) out of the past (and our structural patterning) and into the present.  As we build our ability to reorient, we’ll find ourselves responding in situations we may have once reacted to.  

Sacred Community

Because our triggers are often situations involving other people, we’ll be doing the work in sacred community; giving us the opportunity to test out what we are learning with trusted others.  Each week will build upon the session prior as we communally cultivate a container for becoming more oriented into the here and now within our body structure and within the relationship of body and brain. Due to the nature of the work we’ll be doing together, participation in this event will be kept to a maximum of 15 participants.  

Weekly Teachings

Each week will include a new learning module followed by the opportunity to immediately put those learnings into practice within the container of our class community.  Sessions will include new content, a check in on our experiences between classes, practices, and time for questions.  The group will be therapeutic in nature; however it is not a therapy group.  With reverence for our system’s intelligence, and orientation towards survival, we take a compassionate and respectful approach to re-orienting and updating our structure. 

Course Details

Workshop:   Where are my edges?  Working with our biology

• Dates:  Monday from March 21st through April 25th
• Time:  5:30 – 6:30pm Arizona/MST
• Series investment*:  $280, includes all six classes
• Technical details:  Zoom link to access this live virtual program will be provided upon registration.  All calls will be recorded and made available for one week for those that cannot attend the live call
• Participation in this event will be kept to a maximum of 15 participants

One-on-One:   Edge work individual sessions

• Series participants may opt in for three individual edge-work sessions
• Sessions can be virtual or in person
• Package of 3-sessions:  $270

*Payment plan available if needed
Please contact me with any questions or to sign up and make payment arrangements.