A most feminine treasure – a visit from my dear friend, a sisterhood bond of twenty years. With the intention to simply love on one another we share three precious days to sweetly be with the flow of breath, blood, and beauty, and a mirror with which to radiate our innermost shine.
In the company of my long time beloved girlfriend, I can relax my body and seamlessly flow in my sharing of the more recent lessons of my life. I am given the opportunity to get more acquainted with her accounts of life and her brilliance. With time we can circle around in our language, and chapters knowing we will return to the present with meaning and the juicy understanding of the mystical ride. It is a sacred gift to know that I am celebrating and that I am celebrated.
I seek to rest in pools of emotional safety along my path; growing boldly into my womanhood and into my potent place as a feminine leader. The compassionate pool of warmth allows me the time to soften into whatever is occurring along my journey and process my life’s story as a tale continuing, perfectly unfolding, strung together with love.
The atmosphere of intimacy is so glowingly expansive, I am able to discover the capacity to stay connected with the immediacy of my realities whether they are full of comfort or edginess. It is in the cherished nest of the feminine that I can embrace the forces of creation and destruction recognizing that they are both aspects to my fullest radiant expression.
I can sit with the incredible changes I have gone through and reclaim what they have offered me. I can hear what it is like for another and learn of her chapters and beginnings and endings. This brilliant space of holding, gifts us both connection and an honoring of the living energy between two people.
Time in the cradle of the feminine is a pause that I am grateful to allow and cultivate in my life. Whether that pause is found within a few minutes, a few days, or months, it is an opportunity to honor the wild and natural of our lives.
How are you nurturing your feminine essence? Are you tending to your succulent nature of life that can be so tender, and so wild. Have you been cultivating space to meet yourself where you are with the rootedness of love, and the reverence for this life?